Artwork Lifecycle Coordination: An Overview
Artwork Lifecycle coordination and management of Packaging Artwork and managing a Global Artwork Management System is getting more complex day by day. Through manual coordination or Artwork PLM tool integration, intricacies in activities remain the same. Eventually, the artwork lifecycle management manager (Artwork Lifecycle Coordination manager or packaging artwork coordinator) is responsible for ensuring that the designs are done on time for a smooth product launch. This requires a lot of coordination among various departments and functionalities and having a packaging artwork coordinator is of great help. With businesses expanding across the globe, interacting with various stakeholders pose a great challenge for organizations.
Freyr’s packaging artwork lifecycle coordination services come with comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the entire Artwork Lifecycle coordination and Management, including supply chain activities, packaging artwork development, and artwork submission support. Freyr understands various global artwork management system scenarios and applies years of experience in multiple artwork management processes, packaging artwork development, and its workflows to add value to the client’s business processes.
Artwork Lifecycle Coordination – Freyr Expertise
- Proactive interaction with clients, cross-functional teams, and artwork studios
- Packaging Artwork lifecycle coordination services for new product launches, amendments to existing designs/products, marketing, sales / promotional designs, print vendor logistics, packaging, etc.
- Expertise in multi-lingual artwork creation
- Meticulous project management with clear-cut transparency across the lifecycle of the artwork process
- Intelligence-driven artwork Regulatory insights
- Regulatory support and approvals on artwork from stakeholders for Private Label Distributors (PLDs)
- Risk and impact assessment before implementing the requests
- Specialized in driving end-to-end Regulatory changes along with proper control of each step of the artwork workflow
- Initiate review and approval process before and after the artwork is created
- Print vendor management including distribution of approved artwork
- Creating and maintaining various artwork documents related to each SKU and artwork component for packaging artwork submission support
Artwork Lifecycle Coordination – Freyr Advantages
- Single point-of-contact for various stakeholders
- Artwork submission support
- Industry experts on supply chain & artwork pack management requirements
- Regulatory expertise on various local and global submissions
- Region-specific language capabilities
- Quick artwork turnaround time
- Compliance and audit-ready services
- 24/7 support